Who we are & What we do
Thank you and see you in Maui!
Founded in 2020, The Menopause Education Center was established when founder, Rachel Anne, went through her own personal struggle finding reliable information and support during her perimenopause journey. Frustrated with the overwhelming and often inaccurate content on the internet she gathered a team of experts, educators, and mental health professionals and created informational courses and programs designed for women, men, and the workplace. Our data is curated from reputable sources and scientific studies and aims to provide accurate and organized information about menopause.
Empowerment & Education
Not only are we empowering women to become their own best health advocates, but we are also helping the people around them become their biggest supporters. It’s our goal to eliminate the confusion and stigma around this natural life stage by providing comprehensive education about the physical, emotional, psychological, and social changes that occur during perimenopause and menopause.
Our Masterclasses
“Menopause & You,” is full of simple, no-nonsense advice designed to help women understand what is going on with their bodies, what to do, and how to work with their doctors, partners, and employers to thrive despite this naturally occurring change. “Mansplaining Menopause” is designed for today’s modern man to understand how to support their partner during this time and avoid losing connection and intimacy.
For the Workplace
Supporting our mission to create a supportive and inclusive work environment for menopausal women, we have developed a range of customizable solutions to empower HR professionals and managers to help women in the workplace who are navigating the transformative journey of menopause. We also work with ERGs to bring menopause education into your organization. Our comprehensive resources, educational tools, and expert guidance can help your teams navigate this complex topic with confidence and empathy.